AA Breakfast Club - Cooperating with Professionals Committee (CPC)
Information for professionals in healthcare, the legal community, corrections, employers and others.
There is a solution...
What is the purpose of the CPC in A.A.?
Establishing better communication with professionals working with alcoholics
Finding simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating
Explaining clearly what A.A. does and doesn’t do
Learn about A.A., how it works, and how we can help.
AA Breakfast Club has speakers available to give virtual talks to professional groups to educate about AA.
For more information, please contact breakfastcluboiaa@gmail.com.
Alcoholics Anonymous Resources for Professionals
What is AA?
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.
A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
A website for you; the professional that knows someone with a drinking problem...
A website to help the professional better understand how Alcoholics Anonymous works...